Story time: This is Shaylie, she’s been in my life about two years. How I got her was quite the miracle. (Maybe that’s not the correct word for it) I saw some photos of her as a completed baby on the Instagram of @little_leela I immediately fell in love with her. I’ve never really fallen in love with any other reborns, even most that I have ever had in my collection. I would always ogle over every photo that was posted of her, to me she was perfect! Then one day when I was babysitting, I saw that she was for sale, but I think she was pending at the time. I was disappointed, but I just thought it wasn’t meant to be. Then a few days later I saw she was back up for sale! I thought about it for an hour or so before taking the leap. I was making small payments every other week. I was waiting for a check, so I could finally pay her off. I remember that she wanted her to be paid in full by a certain date. The check still wasn’t to me. I was freaking out, big time!!! Then it finally came a couple weeks before the money was due. Whew! I really think that she’s my forever baby 😍 She is a Saskia by Bonnie Brown, I believe she was in the first kit batch made. I don’t have her documentation, but it’s not too big of a deal!
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