Thursday, June 27, 2019

4 years into the Future

It’s the middle of 2019, it’s been 4 years since my last blog entry. I have been through a lot of changes since then.  I was let go of my job, December 24, 2015. Yes, I was let go on Christmas Eve. Doesn’t that just Suck! I was let go due to having a disability, lumbar spondylosis and neuropathy.

Since then it’s been hardship after hardship.  I bought a house only a few months before being let go. Soooo, yeah, my house was foreclosed on. My mom and I got an apartment together and lived together for about a year. We chose not to renew our lease because rent was going up another $100-$200.  My mom moved in with her boyfriend, I got a little on bedroom house to rent. While all this was happening my body has increasingly gotten weaker. I needed to find an apartment that was handicapped accessible. Luckily, I was able to find something realitively quick! They work with people who are like me and need extra help.

While all this was going on my mental health has taken quite the dive. I am on medication and go to a behavioral health therapist. We are working on coping and trying to find something that makes some money while I wait on disability. I’ve been diagnosed with stress and anxiety. I’m losing my vision do to this. I have seen an eye and retina specialist, we know my eye pressure and optic nerves are still doing great. I started going back to church 6 months ago and doing volunteer work once a week. That’s helped me mentally, I think.

Last year in May I started to sell Scentsy. It was great meeting new people and being excited by something. Unfortunately, this might be my last month because I haven’t been able to hit my numbers the past few months. It’s tearing me up inside! I like being an Independent Scentsy Consultant, it was awesome to have a little extra money for groceries and toiletries. I don’t know what to do. I’ve tried really hard to become the best Scentsy Consultant I could be, but unfortunately it wasn’t enough.

I’m also getting my reborn business back up and running, I even re opened my Etsy store a couple weeks ago. I currently have one reborn on there, and I’m working on two more.

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