Monday, July 8, 2019

What’s Wrong With You??? :)

Did you see what I did there? I asked something rude, but I added a smiley face, so that means that it’s not offensive. That’s something that has been happening a lot to me the past 5 years. As some of you may know, I have nerve damage and lumbar spondylosis. Which pretty much means that I’m in pain 99.999% of the time.  It’s pretty expensive too, I got dropped from Insurance a few months back. Which makes it all the more expensive. I have to pay $75 just to step foot in the office.

Speaking of my Neurologist, we have some big plans when I get back on insurance. We are going to schedule an MRI, then go to a surgeon to get a second opinion. I saw a surgeon about 4 years ago, but they didn’t want to do surgery. Now I’m pretty sure my back is doing worse. Plus, I’m getting weaker so something has to be done. The pain is starting to become unbearable.

That’s just part of “What’s Wrong With Me???? :)”

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