Saturday, April 6, 2013


Hey Guys!  My name is Krystal, but most everywhere else on the inter webs I'm known as kaelancer.  I'm currently going to school for graphic design, and I work at an assisted living/ nursing home.

This entry is going to be more of an introduction/ about myself.  I promise to have more interesting blogs up soon.  I'm thinking about also doing a vlog every once and a while.    To be honest there isn't really anything to interesting going on right now.   I work every other weekend, this is my weekend to work.

I'm going to try really hard to make this an interesting blog, and that you'll come back and join my on some awesome adventures!

I do have an Instagram, search kaelancer.
I do have a Deviantart account, search kaelancer
I have a youtube channel, search kaelanceful  (My kaelancer account got deleted because of Super Sentai, lol)
I also have a 3DS, comment below if you want to exchange friend codes.
I have another blog,  (90's kids unite!)

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